It implemented the system of Ordinals, and it simply added the 2 buttons in the Ordinals tab.
Release Date: ? January 2020
It adds Infinity, which is now known as Markup. It also added Ordinal Points.
Release Date: ? January 2020
Autoclickers were added. The term "Tier 1 Automation" hasn't seen to be used at this point.
Release Date: ? January 2020
Factor Shifts were added in this update.
Strangely enough, Factor Shifts were actually added before Factors.
Release Date: ? January 2020
Factors were added in this update.
Release Date: ? January 2020
This update improved on styling, through CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files.
Most importantly, Offline progress was added, in order to make it more of an idle game.
Release Date: ? January 2020
The game.version variable is added, to keep track of a save's version.
The 2nd Prestige Layer, Factor Boost was implemented along with Boosters.
Release Date: ? January 2020
This update planned out Booster Upgrades, although only adding 1 ("Each Factors are twice as powerful").
It also attempted to fix a save bug with Boosters.
Release Date: ? January 2020
Did the same thing as the previous update other than the Booster Upgrades.
v0.21 - The Booster Update ("Oops, wrong build")
Release Date: ? January 2020
This is the 1st considerable update for Booster Upgrades, as it brought the count to 7:
Each Factor is twice as powerful.
Unlock autoclicker for max all.
Unlock Infinity autoclicker.
Unlock Challenges (a placeholder mechanic).
Gain 5x as much OP.
Boosters boost ALL automation by Xx.
Gain 20 OP per second.
An Autobuyer sub-tab under the Boosters tab, along with the actual Autobuyers.
Offline progression for Autobuyers supported (different from Autoclickers).
How to Play section was added, located next to the Changelog link, which was improved to this Wiki's Guide.
Release Date: ? January 2020
Reduced cost of Upgrade 4 (20 → 12), Upgrade 5 (10 → 5), and Upgrade 7 (9 → 8).
v0.22 - The Challenge Update ("yay i have to wait 2 weeks")
Release Date: 19 January 2020
Added 2 Challenges, each can be completed up to 3 times.
Added an upgrade that will help everywhere: You get 3 free factors each.
Production is now based on time rather than frames. This is known as "Delta Timing", where the game calculates the time passed from the last 'tick', which is the point in time where the game 'updates' its values and variables. It will do the same, but in different ways depending on the Delta Time.
The game will continue to run in another tab. This is also caused by the implementation of Delta Timing, and thus is natural.
Text wrapping should be fixed.
Release Date: 20 or 21 January 2020
This update was a quick performance fix - Ordinals in the ψ(ΩΩ2) range were more efficient now.
v0.23 - The Incrementy Update ("this is boring")
Release Date: 2 February 2020
Added 4 new upgrades, which are:
The base is reduced by 4 if it over 7.
The base is always 5.
2 column 4 upgrades.
Added 2 new challenges.
Increase Limit of possible Challenge 2 times to 2.
Added Incrementy, a new game mechanic.
You gain Incrementy over time.
You can spend them on upgrades.
Incrementy boost autobuyer production.
Max All Autoclicker now prioritize Factors first.
Max All performance is a lot less laggier.
Added 4 new option mechanics.
Added Notations.
Added Themes.
Added Millisecond Interval.
Added maximum ordinal length.
You can now do multiple Factor Boosts at once.
v0.24 - The Manifold Update ("Slightly less boring")
Release Date: 15 February 2020
Added Extended Incrementy.
Added Manifolds, which multiplies dynamic.
Added 6 new Incrementy Upgrades when you extend Incrementy.
Filled the rest of the Upgrade Table, the remaining is:
In odd numbered challenges, Dynamic Factor is squared.
Dynamic Decrease 1e19x slower.
Infinity give 666,666x OP if the base is less than 6.
A New Prestige Layer?
Added 2 new challenges.
Increase Limit of possible Challenge 2-4 times to 3,2,3 respectively.
Added Music.
Added Colors.
Reworded all ALL automation to Tier 1 and 2 automation.
v0.25 - The Impossible Update ("i gotta farm clicks yaay")
Release Date: 22 February 2020
Added Challenge 7.
Added Challenge 8.
Challenge 6 now make Dynamic Decrease by 1e30 per second. (also buffed Booster Upgrade 14 effect to 1e29)
You can't buy Booster Upgrade in Challenge 6 anymore.
All Challenges except 8th can do up to 3 times.
Added a limit of Incrementy at 1e25.
Finished the 6 Incrementy Upgrades, which is:
Manifold are 3x as effective and boost Tier 2 under 1e8. (cost 1e17 Incrementy)
Dynamic Factor cap boost Incrementy gain and cap. (cost 1e25 Incrementy)
Incrementy also boost Tier 1. (cost 1e27 Incrementy)
Release Date: ? March 2020
Removed the limit of Incrementy.
Release Date: 19 March 2020
The game was moved from Glitch to GitHub. This had to be done due to an infamous event in the game's history. It no longer worked on Glitch, so the creators had to import the game's source files onto GitHub, which is more reliable. Also, the Glitch version URL was updated to a redirect page, prompting you to export your old save then pasting it at the new link.
v0.30 - The Update ("I thought this was Ordinal Markup?")
Release Date: 1 April 2020
This was a milestone update that started the 3rd Prestige Layer; Collapse.
Collapse for "Cardinals", based off of how short your collapse was.
Assign cardinals to Aleph 0, 1, or 2 for bonuses.
Complete collapses with only a certain amount of factor boosts to get Sluggish Milestones.
Turn your Aleph 0, 1, and 2s into Aleph Omegas to spend on Aleph Upgrades.
Incrementy now supports ExpantaNum (also applied in Aleph Powers). ExpantaNum.js is a JS large number library that deals with arbitrarily large numbers. It was developed by naruyoko.
New Notation: Convenient. This is basically Buchholz's Notation but without any specific HTML formatting (no sup tags). Instead, it displays multiplication as the character × and exponentiation as the character ^.
New Music.
Changed Challenge 6 wording. (OP resets right before each Infinity → keep no OP on Infinity)
In Challenge 8, you will keep 0% of Ordinal Points on Infinity instead of 1.5%. (also Challenge 8x1 goal is reduced to 3e10)
You can only do 1,000 manual clicks in Challenge 8 to prevent progression after the loss of Autoclicker speed.
You can do Challenge 8 for a maximum 3 times.
Fixed a wording of Incrementy Upgrade 8, because there is no cap of incrementy.
IU9 can now slow down decrementy.
Multiply IU5, 6, 8, 9 costs by 0.2, 0.4, 2 and 4 respectively.
Fixed a bug where booster upgrades isn't real behind left border of HTML for mobile device.
Release Date: 1 April 2020
Added Failsafe for Sluggish Milestones.
v0.31 - The Dark/Decrementy Update ("Dankest update yet")
Release Date: 17 April 2020
Ability to restart the Collapse.
Ability to disable Offline Progression.
The game now shows the seconds in the current collapse.
The game now shows the BHOs until next cardinal.
A flashing reminder to check Incrementy upgrades when you boost.
Factor Boost Confirmation and Bulk Boosting options.
2 more sluggish milestones.
Fixed second Sluggish Milestone, now reward is nerfed. ("Start runs with one of each challenge completed except for Challenge 8" (x^0.5 boost each) → "Challenges with no completions give a reduced boost" (x^0.25 boost each))
4 more Aleph Upgrades.
Tier 3 automation and upgrades.
Decrementy and Dark Manifolds.
c5x3 and c8x3 are both harder now, which goal is 1e210 and 2.4e11 respectively.
c8 is out of infinity completions, but you can only get 3 now until you get SM8.
Reworded Challenge 7 and 8 description. (multiply → boost)
Reworded 1e17 Incrementy Upgrade. (under 1e8 → up to 1e8/s)
Fixed a typo on a Notation. (Buchhlos'z, which should be Buchholz's)
Fixed a bug where Aleph Upgrade 1 can nerf Tier 2 autobuyer.
Fixed a bug where Successor autoclicker doesn't running if you have 0 Maximize autoclicker and having Aleph Upgrade 2, and vice versa.
Fixed a bug where You can't gain Ordinal Points if you have 0 Challenge 6 completion and in Challenge 7, same for 0 Challenge 7 completion in Challenge 8.
Fixed a bug where You can have negative Incrementy.
Fixed a bug where You end up with all sluggish milestones completed.
Fixed a bug where You can reach a ordinal to post-psi in base 4 or higher.
Release Date: 17 April 2020
Fixed a bug where you can have fractional alephs if you have an odd number of possible Aleph Omegas then buy half of max of Aleph Omega.
Also, performance is improved.
Release Date: 17 April 2020
Fixed an exploit where having 1 ℵω upgrade and turn off auto Infinity exploit Tier 2, 1 ℵω upgrade is nerfed to Manifold boost Tier 2.
Removed 6-11th sluggish milestones and end up with SM1.
Experimental QoL: Distribute All Cardinals.
v0.32 - The Singularity Update ("yay a circle")
Release Date: 23 May 2020
Sluggish Milestone 1 is fully completed.
Extended Booster Upgrades.
SINGULARITY! Throw your Manifolds, Dark Manifolds, and ℵω into the black hole to upgrade it.
Extra THICC buttons.
Removed Cardinal Decay.
3 more Aleph Upgrades.
A ton of QoL mechanics.
Post-BHO ordinals.
Kongregate Version
Buffed Tier 2 automation by 2x to remove Timewalls.
A new theme and music.
Added mobile.css, which is fixed all mobile bug/display issues.
c5x3 is much harder. (1e210 → 1e218), and changed the first-time Collapse requirement. (23 → 22)
Aleph Power production is buffed. (x2 → xmax(2,sqrt(log(x))))
Increase Challenge 6 Dynamic Decrease to 1e300 and buff Booster Upgrade 14 effect to 1e299.
You can only do 1,000 manual clicks in Challenge 6 or 7.
Factor Boost Autoprestiger will no longer running if you can get Sluggish Milestones.
Changed Ordinal Point display after 1e300 to 1.000e257 (cap in base 'base').
Replaced 4e27 Incrementy Upgrade. (Double OP gain from Infinities)
Sluggish Milestone 12 now have a boost: Booster Upgrade 6 formula is improved.
Distribute All no longer always exist, you need Sluggish Milestone 10 to unlock it.
Reworded Challenge 1 description. (but OP gain multiplier to passive gain is boosted → and you gain 125x the passive OP if you have 5x OP upgrade)
Fixed a wording on Sluggish Milestone 20, because it doesn't applied to Challenge 8 boost.
Fixed a bug where there are an extra space between RESET YOUR SAVE and Offline Progress.
Fixed a bug where In-game Autosave time is different than display Auto save time. (2 seconds in-game autosave and 10 seconds display autosave)
Fixed a bug where you can gain Manifold with a lower than intended of Incrementy Multi. (around 10x lower incrementy)
Fixed a bug where hovering Collapse button do nothing.
Fixed a bug where the Sluggish Milestone 10 reward always active, even if you didn't complete it.
Release Date: 7 June 2020
The "Infinity" Prestige Layer was renamed to the nowadays Markup.
Added a changelog.
Added Collapse confirmation.
You start with 1 Maximize Autoclicker after you Factor Boost.
Make most cardinal collapsed at once show.
Show "Maxed!" instead of the option to buy a factor when it's maxed.
Removed obnoxious SuperSpruce advertisement.
Reduced the Singularity require to 2e11 (from 5e11).
Fixed "Mobile Mode".
Fixed a bug where you do multiple collapses when you bought from Booster Upgrades.
Fixed a bug where High Millisecond interval can exploit ordinal in Challenge 8.
Fixed an error in the console when loading the game when there was no music on.
Release Date: 8 June 2020
Changed Markup Hotkey from U to I.
v0.33 - The Singularity Functions update ("procrastination 100")
Release Date: 2 July 2020
Added the Singularity Functions Tree, consisting of 14 unique upgrades!
Added Baseless Milestones, which are basically glorified sluggish milestones in Challenge 4.
Reduced the Singularity require from 2e11 boosters to 1e11 boosters.
You can now generate aleph power without any cardinals once you collapse for the first time! It caps at 1200.
Added 3 more booster upgrades!
Added a new Quadrupler, which quadruples production, thus making challenge and base 3 timewalls 4 times faster!
Reduced the 1e17 incrementy upgrade cost to 1e16 incrementy and the upgrade now gives a flat 1e8 tier 2/second.
Singularity Level can go to level 253 (previously 85).
Challenge 5x3 goal is multiplied 10.
Renamed Dynamic Factor tab to Extra Factor.
Switched Aleph Upgrade and Sluggish Milestone subtab. (in-game code is not changed)
Factor Boosts and Factor Boost per second now display as comma.
You need bought 4th Aleph Upgrade in a row to show next row.
Fixed a bug where in How to Play page, Singularity part is saying sacrifice something for Dark Manifold instead of Singularity Level.
Fixed a bug where there are an extra space between Flashing Incrementy Reminder and Factor Boost Confirmation.
Fixed a bug where your ordinal to number display can be display as "1.000e257 (cap in Base 'base')".
Fixed a bug where you can Factor Shift 8 times after factor boost if the base at FS7 isn't 3.
Fixed a bug where in Challenge 6 or 7, your Dynamic Factor is Decreasing 1e30 per second rather than expected 1e300 if you didn't have Booster Upgrade 14.
Fixed a bug where in light mode, hovering any Dark style Button Make it disappear.
Fixed a bug where your Aleph 2 boost probably said 'gainand' if you have fifth aleph upgrade.
Fixed a bug where you can produce Factor Boosts passively without active Max All autobuyer.
Fixed a bug where Dynamic Factor cap is wrong if you sacrificed non-zero Manifolds.
Fixed a bug where your Factor Boosts for next cardinal can be display 0 if your pending Cardinal exceed 9e15.
Fixed a bug where you can break the game by buying singularity level with ℵω for more than 21 times.
Release Date: 2 July 2020
Fixed a bug where "32d 15h 48m 9s" always appear while in Challenges.
Release Date: 2 July 2020
Fixed a bug where in the Firefox browser, you always can't produce Factor Boosts passively.
v0.3303 and v0.3304
Release Date: 3 July 2020
Reduce the SFU21 cost to 23 and increase the SFU22 cost to 16, but it was reverted later.
Release Date: 19 July 2020
Fixed a bug where you can stuck in infinite loop of collapse confirmation when you turn on autocollapse and collapse confirmation.
v0.34 - The Omega Challenges update ("Infinitely Challenging")
Release Date: 15 August 2020
Omega Challenges, they contain Six Incredibly Difficult but possible Omega Challenges.
3 Incredibly Expensive Singularity Functions.
2 more Baseless Milestones, where is Forever Keep first 4 Functions and Advanced Autoshift and Auto Incrementy/Dark Upgrades and Manifolds without lose incrementy.
Added a singularity Slider.
Added 1 more Aleph Upgrade.
Added Challenge 9.
Added Ordinal Level.
Added File Import Export System.
Added New Color: Flashing.
Added a missing description on Challenge 8.
Changed initial Theme to Dark.
Multiply Incrementy multi and Manifold requirement by 1.2.
Reduce 1e16, 2e25 and 4e27 Incrementy Upgrade cost to 5e15, 1e25 and 1e27 respectively.
5e15 and 1e27 Incrementy now give a flat 5e8 and 1e15 Tier 2/s respectively.
Reworded SM1 reward because there are no more Booster Upgrade and Aleph Upgrade will be added for.
9th and 10th Aleph Upgrade will show after you get SM1, while the first 8 are always show.
Reduced Black Hole canvas size formula from square root to cube root.
You need to unlock Baseless Milestone instead of 5e15 Booster Upgrades to able enter Challenges past 3 completions.
Removed 4 Booster Upgrades.
Moved Singularity FB production texts to above the Black Hole.
Changed Singularity FB production text to "Your decrementy are multiplying x per second" if you are in Challenge 8 and "You are currently getting x incrementy per second" if you turn off auto boost or in Challenges.
Show current version on Options tab.
Hardcapped Incrementy multi at 1e120x.
Changed Post BHO Ordinal style from εΩ2X to εΩ2YX after SL87.
Fixed a bug where You can make Max Ordinal Length negative.
Fixed a bug where if THICC option is on, then:
Row 5,6 Booster Upgrades has moved right side by around 160 px (around 1⅓ of widith).
Row 3 Aleph Upgrades has shrinked by around ⅖ (200 px → 120 px).
Some Incrementy Upgrade cost couldn't show.
Fixed a bug where if you have post-psi of Successor Autoclicker, then Maximize Autoclicker speed is display as Successor Autoclicker speed.
Fixed a bug where if you have post-psi of Maximize Autoclicker but didn't have post-psi of Successor Autoclicker, then Maximize Autoclicker Speed is using Tier 1 speed to estimate instead of Tier 2.
Fixed a bug where some Factor Boost require is unrounded (notably in SL31, 59, 62).
Fixed a bug where Next Boost in bulk display click cycle instead of time if you having SMinfinity, all collapses with at least 26 Factor Boosts, turn on auto Max All but didn't turn on auto Markup.
Fixed a bug where Incrementy Upgrade cost display very strange if the cost is over 1e257, and you can't buy Incrementy Upgrade if they cost over 1.79e308.
Fixed a bug where in Challenge 8:
Your Quadrupler isn't disabled.
Your Dynamic Factor cap is boosting Incrementy production.
Fixed a bug where the minimum of the base cardinal gain is 2 instead of 1.
Fixed a bug where after the first collapse, most cardinal collapsed at once remain at zero.
Fixed a bug where you possibly make Autoprestiger loop go negative.
Fixed a bug where you can exploit Incrementy by downgrading Singularity.
Fixed a bug where in any post 3 non-Challenge 8 completions:
The goal display as NaN.
Your Auto Max All always not working unless you have post-psi of ordinal.
v0.3401 and v0.3402
Release Date: 16 August 2020
Fixed 2 exploits where in Challenge 8, getting Booster Upgrade 9 or 10 can exploit Decrementy. (However, ωω2 is still possible but ωω22 not)
Release Date: 17 August 2020
The save will be revert to pre-omega challenges era all save if you have over 1e128 Dark Manifold. (this only happen if game.version is less than 0.341, so don't worry now if you hit 1e128 Dark Manifold, and this is forced revert)
Release Date: 17 August 2020
Fixed a bug where Manifold requirement is 1.2x lower than intended manifold requirement. (e.g. 10.8x Incrementy multiplier requirement to 9x Incrementy multiplier requirement)
Release Date: 28 September 2020
Fixed a bug where Booster Upgrade 9 cost is display as 73 instead of 72 before you have an OC3 completion. (it still using 72 for bought this upgrade)
It is supposed to be fixed along with Incrementyverse update, since it is very easy to fix, so Patcail push a hotfix at 2 weeks before Incrementyverse out.
v0.40 - The Incrementyverse update ("Enter The E")
Release Time: 13 October 2020
The long awaited Incrementyverse was added.
This Update added Achievements, with simple CSS. These didn't give out any bonuses, however.
7 more rows of Singularity Functions!
8 Incrementyverse Upgrades.
FRACTAL ENGINE, this is where you can have inceptions of automation.
Energy Orbs, this is where you can boost your Fractal Engines and such.
(Sorry, they are not too many bug fixes and other pre-Incrementyverse balance)
While in Challenge 9, Incrementy production display is divided by 1e15.
Fixed a bug where Buchholz's Notation is display as Madore's Notation after BHO.
I hope you like Inflation , since you can get 10{n}x Incrementy in this version.
v0.401 (unofficial version)
Release Date: 31 October 2020
Fixed a typo on OC5, as it's actually applied to the Aleph Power multipliers.
Fixed a typo on Fractal Upgrade Descriptions; it is "three", not "free".
Fixed a bug where your OP isn't formatted if you are getting at least 10 Factor Boosts per second, having post-ψ(Ω) of your Ordinal but don't have gψ(Ω)(10) OP.
Fixed a bug where clicking "Exit Challenge" while in OC1 will function.
Fixed a bug where base Fractal Engine costs are always fx+1(100000) regradless the base that reduced from Fractal Shifts.
Fixed a bug where Cardinal production from AU8 is 3 more than expected every 10 million Most Cardinals Collapsed at once (additive).
v0.402 (current final update)
Release Date: 22 March 2021
Changed "The Bachmann Howard Ordinal" description from BHO to LVO.
v0.41 - Bug Fixes
Release Date: 16 October 2024
Removed Space Theme because it is broken.
Incrementy Upgrade 9 is having no effect in Challenge 2, while Incrementy Upgrade 4 is nerfed to multiply Tier 2 based on itself toward 1e9/s.
Reduce the goal for c3x3 to 1e250 to remove the requirement of wait or manual Markup.
Increased SMInf Factor Boost requirement to 1e300 to prevent player can technically not getting the milestone on first collapse.
Changed Dark Upgrade 2 description to prevent confusion.
You can no longer purchase Singularity Function 81 until Incrementyverse.
Dynamic Factor multiplier&cap, Incrementy multiplier, Manifold requirement&effect, Challenge 8 rewards and etc... are formatted past 1e6.
50ms tick rate in Challenge 8 will be applied until you have more than 1e20 decrementy instead of 1e10.
Many wording changes.
Fixed a typo with Achievement 3x10 and Sluggish Milestone description.
Fixed a bug where game being broken when the game is loaded for the first time.
Fixed a bug where it's possible to show "1 Boosters" after enough OC3 completions.
Fixed a bug where in c1x3 or c2x1, the challenge goal uses 5e270 to estimate instead of correct 3^27.
Fixed a bug where in Challenge 9, the Incrementy Production display isn't divided by 1e15.
Fixed a bug where OC6 reward can affect Challenge 9 debuff and update rate, making Incrementy increase slower than normal.
Fixed a bug where you can break the game by having more than 1.80e308x Incrementy production from IU1 or Dynamic Factor Cap outside of Incrementyverse.
Fixed a bug where after first collapse, you could get incorrect amount of cardinal and most cardinal collapsed at once.
Fixed a bug where after collapsed without SM1, the game being broken until reload.
Fixed a bug where you can break the game with 1.80e308 base incrementy gain before OC6 reward, or cardinal gain.
Fixed a bug where after 9e15 factor boosts within 1000 seconds, the factor boost requirement for next cardinal will be 2^n*m rather than 1 (m,n both are positive integer).
Fixed a bug where you could Factor Shift automatically beyond 5th times with Advanced Autoshift enabled in Challenge 8.
Fixed a bug where maximize Singularity doesn't cost any Aleph Omega.
Fixed a bug where sacrificed Dark Manifold from Singularity is incorrect if you have Function 23 without Function 11.
Fixed a bug where you could obtain Baseless Milestones in Challenge 7.
Fixed a bug where you could break the game by exiting Omega Challenge.
Fixed a bug where in OC1, the progress bar thought it will possible to Factor Boost while it isn't.
Fixed a bug where when you exit the Omega Challenge, stack overflow error could appear.
Fixed a bug where when you exit the Omega Challenge, you may have NaN Rebuyable Incrementy Upgrade 1.
Fixed a bug where every pre-Incrementyverse Hotkeys works in Incrementyverse.
Incrementy autobuyer speed will keep updating past 10^^10 Incrementy.
Fractal Base can no longer go below 2.
Blame on Patcail for only testing Incrementyverse content during Incrementyverse development, leaving every pre-Incrementyverse content untouched and pre-Incrementyverse bugs unfixed for 4 years.